Senior Copywriter







Cricket’s cast of colorful characters have been a central part of the brand but their role as just cute (and mute) window dressings to big flashy phone offers wasn't taking the brand where it wanted to be.



Reintroduce the Cricket characters as actors complete with voices and big Hollywood personalities. We showed all the mobile moments of mayhem that happen on the set of a Cricket commercial and got people buying phones and engaging with the brand in totally new ways.


“Hiyeee” :15

“Looks” :15

“Selfie” :15

Social Remix

People on social were posting about how “Hiyeee” was getting stuck in their heads, so we dropped remixes of it on social to get it even more stuck in their heads.


People say that yellow guy Dusty and I look a lot alike and there are reasons for that:

  1. We’re both natural blondes.

  2. The CG team at Psyop artfully stole my face and put it on his face.

  3. OK, we’re not actually natural blondes it’s fully from using Sun-In and I’m sorry for lying to you in #1.






Promote Cricket's holiday short, Four for the Holidays, in true Hollywood fashion.



Using innovative real-time render technology, we got Mario Lopez (from Access Hollywood and Bayside High School) to interview our animated characters about their film in a live press junket on Facebook and Twitter. For the first time ever, fans were able to interact with animated characters being interviewed in real-time. It was real-fun.


Press Junket Case Study


  • Cannes Digital Craft Lion 2019

  • One Show Merit 2019

Writing the interview material and working with our voice actors to prepare them for the 30 minutes of live on-camera improv was incredibly fun. Also, did I mention that I am, in fact, Diane Sawyer?